Thursday, January 26, 2012

Types of Dental Implants

There are several types of dental implants available to patients looking to replace damaged, decaying or missing teeth, each are designed to help individual patients based on certain criteria. During the implant procedure, your dentist will surgically place the implant or implants directly into the jawbone. Traditional implants required a certain amount of bone quality and quantity for successful implantation, however, through the progression of technology, different types of implants have been developed for those patients that may not have been initial candidates. 

Dental Implant Types

Most implants are made of titanium, an inert metal that has been proven to effectively fuse with living bone, a process known as "Osseointegration". Implants vary based on size and structure, each are designed to aid in successful implantation for patients. The following are the most common forms of dental implantation:

Root Form: "Root Form" implants are similar in shape to the root of a tooth—they are a cylindrical or screw type implant with a surface area designed to uphold a strong attachment to the bone. Root Form implants are the most widely used design and are generally placed where a plentiful width and depth of jawbone is present. In certain instances, if the jawbone is too narrow or short for immediate placement using Root Form implants, your dentist may recommend bone grafting.

Plate Form: When the jawbone is too narrow for Root Form placement and is not a successful candidate for bone grafting, a specially designed implant called the “Plate Form” implant can be placed. The process used to place the implant is identical to Root Form implants, however the Plate Form implant is flat and long—ideally designed to fit into the narrow jawbone.

Subperiosteal: When, due to advanced jawbone reabsorption after bone grafting, there may not be enough bone width or height for either Root Form or Plate Form implants to be successful, a Subperiosteal Implant may be used. This type of implant is custom made and designed to sit on top of the bone, but under the gum line. This type of implant does require a more extensive surgical procedure, however it does allow patients to experience successful implantation.

Knowing which type of dental implant is right for you will require a consultation with your dentist. Find out today dental implantation can help you to restore your smile.


  1. I have gone through your blog. The information you have given are really informative about the types of Dental implants. Toothcare is the best dental clinic in hyderabad for dental implants at affordable cost.

  2. I was only aware about dental implants. Now i came to know that it has many types too. Thanks for sharing the info.

    Dentist in Calgary

  3. Yes, everyone should know these types of dental implants and have their consultation with their dental implant dentists. Thanks for sharing the information.
