Monday, November 28, 2011

How Much Are Dental Implants

When considering undergoing any dental procedure, adequate research will help patients to decide which is right for them. However there is one main factor that will often contribute to a patient’s final decision—cost. This is no different for dental implants, but like many dental procedures, there are several options when it comes to dental implantation, and dental implant costs can vary depending on which you choose. How much dental implants are will ultimately depend on each individual patient.
Advancements in dental implant technology have led to treatments that are less invasive and more affordable, two factors that have led to an increase in the amount of men and women who are candidates for the procedure. That being said, replacing missing teeth isn’t cheap, and choosing a specific implant procedure based solely on cost is not always the best idea. Learning about the different types of implant procedures will help patients to find an affordable option that will provide long lasting results.
Dental implants have been available to patients for years. Treatments can be quite invasive, and often require multiple visits in order to complete—factors which affect the overall treatment cost. Recent advancements in technology, however, have brought about a new implant treatment option for patients—mini dental implants.
Mini dental implants or MDI’s, closely mimic their more traditional counterparts, however there are several basic differences that effectively lower overall cost.
One of the great benefits of MDI’s is that only one visit to the dentist is needed for placement. In just a single appointment, patients can transform their smile.
MDI treatments are also beneficial for patients because of their minimally invasive nature. During treatment, small incisions are made in the gum line to allow for insertion of the implant into the jawbone. Once the implants are placed, no stitches are required, no downtime is needed, and patients only require a local anesthetic for the procedure.
The materials used are also influence the overall cost of dental implants. MDI’s are smaller than their traditional counterparts (about half the size) therefore fewer materials are used, which reduces overall cost.
The option to live with missing, broken or damaged teeth is always there, but this often causes more harm than good, and can end up costing more to fix in the long run. When asking how much are dental implants, be sure to take all factors into consideration before making your final decision.

Denture Stabilization with Dental Implants

Dental implants provide patients currently struggling with removable dentures a simple and effective solution for denture stabilization. Physical discomfort, unpleasant breath, and even embarrassment due to unexpected shifting while speaking or chewing are things that all denture wearers are weary of. The use of dental implants to stabilize loose or poorly fitting dentures provides great relief for these common problems.
If a patient is completely without teeth, they have two main options: to place implants in the upper and lower jaw to support fixed bridges, or to stabilize existing removable dentures with the use of implants. This can be done using traditional dental implants or mini dental implants.
The Denture Stabilization Procedure
The dental implant treatment takes place right in your dentist’s office. Using precise, controlled surgical techniques, the implants are placed into the jawbone. The procedure begins with the administration of an anesthetic, after which small incisions are made in the gum line. A specialized drill is then used to create a place in the jawbone where the implant is inserted. The implant is then ‘screwed’ into the jawbone where it acts at the tooth root for the dentures, providing long lasting stability.
How The Implant Works
Dental implants are comprised of three essential parts:
-        The implant. A titanium alloy implant is rooted into the jawbone using a specialized technique. The implant acts as an anchor for denture stabilization.
-        Metal housing. Metal housings will be incorporated into the base of the removable dentures; they are what connect the dentures to the implant.
-        O-ring. A rubber o-ring resides inside of the metal housing, and is what provides the seal to effectively lock the two pieces together.
When the implants are properly placed in the jawbone, only the ball-shaped head of the implant, also known as the abutment, will be visible above the gum line. The metal housing, complete with o-ring, will then be ‘snapped’ onto the protruding abutment, allowing the dentures to rest comfortably on the gum line, locking them firmly in place.
Placing several implants in both the upper and lower jaw can easily stabilize dentures. With this innovative treatment, dentures can be removed by a dentist at the patient’s convenience, for easy cleaning and adjustments. Stabilized dentures allow patients to complete everyday tasks such as speaking and eating with ease. If you are searching for long-lasting denture stabilization alternatives, consider dental implants.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dental Implant Procedure

Procedures for replacing broken, damaged and missing teeth have been utilized by men and women for hundreds of years, but with advancements in dental technology, today patients can achieve a beautiful smile that looks perfectly natural. Dental Implant procedures offer patients the opportunity to replace a single tooth, a group of teeth or an entire set of teeth, with long-lasting stable results.  Are dental implants right for you?  Learn about this innovative treatment and see if it can help you to enhance your smile.

The dental implant procedure is not something that can be completed in a single day, but the results are well worth the time and effort. During your first appointment, your dentist will assess the area to determine if you are a proper candidate. Dental implants require a certain amount of surrounding bone for proper stabilization, if candidates have enough bone mass in their jaw, treatment can begin. If not, bone grafting may be necessary.

Once patients are ready to receive an implant, they will undergo dental implant surgery.  There are two main types of dental implant surgery:

Subperiosteal - This involves placement 'on the bone'. The artificial tooth will be placed by your dentist on top of the jaw. A metal framework in protruded through the gum line, which acts as a grip for the prosthesis. This treatment is used for patients who have a less bone height and are not proper candidates for traditional dentures.

Endosteal – The opposite of subperiosteal, this treatment is done 'in the bone'. Treatment requires surgical placement of cylinders, blades or screws into the jaw bone.  These act as stabilizers or ‘tooth roots’ for the artificial tooth or teeth

The duration of the entire procedure varies from person to person depending on a variety of factors including the patient’s physical condition and anatomy. Dental implants involve several procedures and it can take anywhere from three to nine months to complete treatment, sometimes even longer. Before beginning treatment, discuss all of the pros and cons with your dentist to determine if dental implants are the best treatment for replacing your missing teeth.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mini Dental Implants for Bridges

Dentures, crowns and bridges are all widely used methods of tooth replacement, but as dental patients who have undergone these procedures know, these forms of tooth replacement, while more affordable than other options, do not last nearly as long—and can even cause problems down the line. If you are currently searching for a tooth replacement method that will provide you with long lasting results, consider mini dental implants.

Mini dental implants have enhanced many forms of tooth replacement, one of which is dental bridges. A dental bridge is a false tooth or teeth, which is fused between two porcelain crowns in order to fill the gap left by a missing tooth or teeth. While this treatment is effective in replacing a single tooth or a small group of teeth, it ultimately relies on support from surrounding teeth, which, over time, can cause damage and decay.

Mini dental implants for bridges will still give patients the look and feel of natural teeth, but the dental implants provide support for the bridge, eliminating the need for surrounding support. The treatment will begin with the administration of a local anesthetic. Your dentist will numb the area, after which he or she will make a small incision in the gum line, providing access to the jaw bone. A specialized drill is then used to create a small hole in which the implant will be placed. A specialized wrench is then used to ‘screw’ the implant into the jawbone, where it provides stability for the bridge by acting as the tooth root.

Once the implant is firmly in place, the ball-shaped head, or abutment, will be the only part of the implant that remains visible above the gum line. The dental bridge will then be fixed with a metal housing which is socket-like in nature. This housing is what attaches the bridge to the implant. Once the metal housing is attached, your dentist will ‘snap’ the bridge onto the implant, where it will rest comfortably on the gum line, giving you the look and feel of natural teeth.

Mini dental implants for bridges are a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth with longer lasting results. Without relying on surrounding teeth for support, mini dental implants will increase the life of your bridge while decreasing the chances of damaging your surrounding teeth.


Who is a Candidate for Mini Dental Implants?

There are many dental treatments currently available to those who are looking to replace missing teeth. Knowing whether or not you are a candidate for a certain procedure will help to determine which treatment will get you the best results.  When it comes to mini dental implants, the advanced technology and treatment versatility allows for a wider range of candidates, when compared to other dental implant procedures. Are mini dental implants right for you? Here are some of the determining factors for candidacy.

Age. Dental implants can be placed any time after adolescence, or when bone growth is complete. Consult with your dentist prior to treatment to ensure that your bone growth is complete.

Medical conditions. Certain medical conditions may affect one’s ability to undergo dental implantation. Active diabetes, cancer and periodontal disease may require additional treatment before mini dental implants can be implanted.

Bone structure.  The number one factor that determines who is a candidate for mini dental implants is the structure of the jaw bone. A minimum of 2 mm of bone on all sides of the implant—both surrounding and underneath—is required for implantation. Traditional implants, due to their larger size, require additional bone for proper stabilization, something that many patients did not have. With Mini Dental Implants, or MDI’s, the smaller implant size requires less surrounding bone, making for a more versatile treatment.

Based on the factors listed above as well as the condition of your oral hygiene, oral tissue and personal habits, your dentist will help you to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. For those men and women considering dental implants and are currently smokers, your dentist will likely advise you to quit before undergoing the MDI procedure, as smokers face a higher risk of implant failure.

With several implant treatments available, determining which is right for requires only a quick and easy visit to your dentist. Reviewing each procedure with a dental professional will narrow down your choices and help you to find the dental implant treatment that will provide long lasting results.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dental Implant Aftercare

Dental implantation is a safe and effective procedure designed to help men and women to replace missing teeth. Implants provide stabilization for a variety of dental prosthetics including dentures, bridges and crowns. Dental implant technology has progressed to the point where anywhere from a single tooth to a full set of teeth can be replaced. However the implant is only the beginning. In order to get long lasting results, it is important for all patients to follow the proper aftercare suggestions. 

On the day of treatment, if receiving a traditional implant, it is recommended that you bring an escort with you, as the anesthetic may impair your ability to drive. Following treatment, cold liquids can be consumed almost immediately and solid foods can be consumed after the effects of the anesthetic have worn off. Hot liquids however, should be completely avoided. 

For the first few days following the dental implant treatment, patients will experience pain in the affected area; swelling is another side effect that may be experienced. Your dentist will recommend avoiding demanding physical activities such as sports, as well as common irritants such as alcohol, nicotine, and black tea, for the first three days after the procedure. About a week after your initial procedure, a follow up visit with your dentist will help to determine a course of action moving forward. 

In order to increase the duration of the life of your implant, it is highly recommended that patients are exceedingly thorough when cleaning their teeth in order to avoid implant inflammation (periimplantitis) and the accumulation of film. Smoking, insufficient oral hygiene and sugar-induced tooth decay can all increase the risk of inflammation on or around the implant, and therefore should be avoided. 

Once your implant treatment is complete, patients are encouraged to visit the dentist no fewer than 1-2 times per year for check-ups (check-ups should be more frequent if you are at increased risk for implant inflammation). During each visit, your dentist will examine the implant and the surrounding area and administer dental cleaning techniques specifically for implants. 

Following all dental implant aftercare suggestions made by your dentist as well as practicing good oral hygiene are both fundamental requirements for a long-lasting implant.

Mini Dental Implants for Crowns

When it comes to tooth damage and decay, dentists will most commonly recommend a crown to improve the health and life of your tooth. While crowns can improve oral health by improving the look and function of damaged teeth, until recently, they were not capable of replacing a single missing tooth. Now, with mini dental implants for crowns, the dental implant acts as the tooth root, and allows for the replacement of a single missing tooth, without relying on support from surrounding teeth.

The Crown Stabilization Procedure

Traditional crowns are tooth-shaped caps which are placed over an existing tooth—often one that is damaged due to decay, accident, or other circumstances—in order to restore its shape, size and strength, for proper function and appearance. Crowns look and act like real teeth, however they rely on the support of the existing tooth root.

While crowns are ideal for restoring damaged and decaying teeth, it was only with the introduction of the mini dental implant, that crowns became a viable source for replacing a single missing tooth. 

The mini dental implant system for crown placement:

-        The implant. The titanium alloy implant is rooted into the jawbone where it acts as an anchor to stabilize the crown.

-        The metal housing. A metal housing is incorporated into the base of the crown and is what connects the crown to the implant.

-        The rubber O-ring. The O-ring is inside the metal housing and works as a seal to lock the two pieces together.

The mini dental implant or MDI treatment will take place right in your dentist’s office with use of a local anesthetic. The dental implant is placed in the jaw bone using precise and controlled techniques that involve a small incision in the gum line, after which a specialized drill is used to create a small hole in the jawbone where the implant is inserted. Once placed, only the ball-shaped head of the implant, or abutment, will be visible above the gum line.

The metal housing, complete with O-ring is then attached to the crown so that they can be ‘snapped’ into place. The socket-like O-ring connects with the ball-shaped abutment, locking the crown firmly in place so that it rests comfortably on the gum line, providing the look, feel and function of a natural tooth.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Affordable Dental Implants

Any patient that has done adequate research on dental implants knows that ‘affordable dental implants’ can often seem like an oxymoron. Truth be told however, with advancements in dental implant technology, there are now treatments available that are affordable, when all things are considered. Replacing broken, damaged, decayed and missing teeth isn’t cheap, and looking for the cheapest implants available is not always the best idea. Learning about the different types of dental implant procedures and determining which is right for you will help you to find an affordable option that will provide long lasting results.

Traditional dental implant treatments have been available to patients for years. This treatment is quite invasive, requires multiple visits to the dentist and patient down time. These factors all affect the overall treatment cost. Recent advancements in technology, however, have introduced a new implant treatment option to patients—mini dental implants.

Mini dental implants or MDI’s, are similar in nature and procedure to their more traditional counterparts, however their basic differences are what affect overall cost.

One of the great benefits of MDI’s is that they can often be placed in one single dental visit. In just a few hours, patients can transform their smile, and the best part, the new implants can be used immediately, no down time required.

The reason why patients are able to use their new implants immediately is because unlike traditional implant procedures, the MDI treatment is minimally invasive, small incisions are made in the gum line to allow for insertion of the implant into the jaw bone. No stitches are required, no downtime is needed, and patients only require a local anesthetic for the procedure.

The materials used are also a factor in the cost of dental implants. MDI’s are much smaller than traditional implants—about half the size—therefore fewer materials are used, thus reducing overall cost.

Patients always have the option to say “c’est la vie” and live their lives with missing teeth, but doing that often causes more harm than good, and can end up costing more to fix down the line. For an affordable dental implant treatment that provides long lasting results, consider mini dental implants.

Benefits of Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants or MDI’s are a fantastic solution for those patients who currently suffer from tooth loss as a result of accident, damage or decay. MDI’s are an effective long-term solution for replacing natural teeth for a variety of reasons. The many benefits of mini dental implants may help you to determine if this treatment is right for you.

Minimally invasive treatments. The mini dental implant treatment is minimally invasive when compared to traditional implantation procedures. The procedure is performed at your dentist’s office and only a local anesthetic is required. The incisions that are made in the gum line where the dental implant is to be placed in the jawbone are so small, no stitches are required and no downtime is needed.

Fast treatment time. The treatment takes only a few hours to complete, most patients will complete the procedure in a single dental visit.

No downtime. As stated above, the minimally invasive nature of the MDI treatment, means no downtime is required. When mini dental implants are placed, patients have full use of their teeth upon leaving the dentist’s office.

Higher chance for candidacy. Successfully undergoing any dental implant procedure relies on one single factor—whether or not patients have enough bone in their jaw to adequately support an implant. Traditional implants are larger in size, therefore patients with significant bone loss are not candidates for treatment. Because MDI’s are smaller in size (about half the size of traditional implants) more patients are candidates for the treatment.

Lower cost. For patients, cost is one of the greatest benefits of the MDI procedure. Mini dental implants offer patients an affordable solution for long lasting tooth replacement for a variety of reasons. This minimally invasive procedure requires only a local anesthetic, and can often be performed in a single visit. Traditional implants require more invasive surgical procedures as well as several visits before patients will see results, therefore the cost is higher. Also, and due to the smaller implant size, fewer materials are used. In addition, the smaller implant size means fewer materials are being used, which also lowers overall cost.

The benefits of mini dental implants are plentiful, but what all patients love most about this innovative treatment is leaving their dentist’s office with a smile that looks and feels completely natural.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mini Dental Implants for Dentures

As any denture wearer knows, removable dentures are a daily struggle, but mini dental implants offer denture wearers a simple and effective solution. Physical discomfort, bad breath, and even embarrassment due to unexpected shifting while speaking or chewing often plague those who wear dentures, but the use of mini dental implants for denture stabilization easily solves many of these common problems.

The Denture Stabilization Procedure

The mini dental implant treatment is an affordable, minimally invasive dental implant procedure that provides stability for removable dentures without the costs and time associated with full-size implant treatment. In most cases, a single dental visit can stabilize dentures with long lasting results.

Three basic parts make up the mini dental implant or MDI system:

-        The implant. Rooted into the jawbone through a minimally invasive procedure, the titanium alloy implant acts as an anchor which stabilizes the denture.

-        The metal housing. A metal housing is incorporated into the base of the denture (one for each dental implant) and is what connects the denture to the mini implant.

-        The rubber O-ring. The O-ring resides inside of the metal housing and effectively seals and locks the two pieces in place.

The dental implantation treatment will take place right in your dentist’s office with use of a local anesthetic. Precise and controlled techniques are used to place the dental implant into the jawbone. Once properly placed, only the ball-shaped head of the implant, also known as the abutment, will be visible above the gum line.

At this point, the metal housing, complete with O-ring will have been placed on your dentures so that they can be ‘snapped’ into place. The O-ring, which is socket-like in nature, connects with the ball-shaped abutment, locking the dentures firmly in place so that they rest comfortably on the gum line.

The minimally invasive nature of the mini dental implant treatment, allows patients to immediately use their newly stabilized dentures. Patients who have undergone the MDI treatment know that even the best adhesives pale in comparison to the stabilization achieved dental implantation. MDI’s simply provide a better solution for common denture problems.

Types of Mini Dental Implants

Dental implantation is a treatment that is considered by many men and women who currently suffer with broken, decaying, damaged or missing teeth. Fortunately, implant technology has progressed in recent years to the point where patients have several options when it comes to tooth replacement. Traditional implants and mini dental implants are the two main types of treatments undergone today, however mini dental implants or MDI’s are quickly growing in popularity because their versatility allows for more candidates to undergo treatment.

Mini dental implants are growing in popularity because they offer more options to patients than any other implant treatment.  Candidacy for dental implantation comes down to one simple factor—the amount of bone present in the jaw. Similar to the foundation of a house, implants need a solid foundation for stabilization, there needs to be enough surrounding bone in the jaw for lasting results. The larger size of traditional implants excluded many patients who did not have enough bone for proper stabilization, but because MDI’s are smaller, more patients can now undergo treatment.

The smaller size of MDI’s are one reason why they are more versatile, but the fact that they are also available in several different shapes, further allows for implantation in patients who might not otherwise be able to undergo treatment. A minimum of 2 mm of bone on each side of the implant—surrounding and below—is needed for successful treatment. The jawbone mass in each patient varies, so various mini dental implants have been created to accommodate the maximum number of patients.

Today mini dental implants are available in shapes that range from short and thin and long and fat, to short and fat and long and thin. Further, MDI’s also have varying threads (similar to a screw, these threads are used to firmly place the implant in the jawbone, and promote osseointegration or bonding with the bone) and different connections, which are placed on the dental prosthetic and connect the implant to a crown, bridge or denture arch.

With so many implant options available to patients, MDI’s still provide the same support and stabilization as traditional implants, providing more patients with a long-lasting naturally, beautiful smile.

The History of Dental Implants

History has proven that dental implants have been in existence for generations, but the development of modern dental technology came as quite a surprise. Due to great advancement in dental technology, almost any patient  can now undergo dental implantation to replace missing teeth, however until recently, this was not the case.

The earliest recorded dental implants date back over 1300 years to the Mayan civilization, where it was discovered that pieces of shells were used to replace missing teeth, a practice that was quite inventive as the calcium in the shells effectively bonded with the jawbone, thus stabilizing the shells for practical use. Both implantation methods and the materials used have changed with the advancement of dental technology, but the end goal has always remained the same—to restore the use of one’s teeth.

In the wake of the Mayans use of shells for implantation, others too developed ways to replace missing teeth, however it wasn’t until the 1950s that an accidental discovery led to modern implant technology.

Swedish Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Per-Invgar Branemark stumbled upon a dental implant breakthrough while conducting bone healing research. Due to the high cost of titanium, Branemark decided to recycle some titanium tubing that had been placed in the bone of a rabbit. Branemark discovered that when trying to remove the tubing, he couldn’t. Further investigation led to the breakthrough  that the rabbit’s bone had bonded with the titanium tubing, effectively growing around it, thus providing stabilization.

This accidental discovery led to further tests, in which Branemark concluded that bone did indeed bond with titanium. He termed this process 'osseointegration', which refers to the connection between living bone and an artificial implant.

From Branemark’s initial discovery and subsequent research, the first titanium screw was developed and implanted in 1952. While accidental, this discovery led to an incredible breakthrough in cosmetic dentistry and is why dental implants are now one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures that patients undergo.

As to the future of dental implants?  Continual advancements in implant technology have brought about the introduction of the mini dental implant. Its smaller size and wider range of versatility has allowed more patients than ever before to undergo tooth replacement procedures.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mini Dental Implant Procedure

Mini dental implants are the latest technological advancement for the replacement of broken, damaged, decayed or missing teeth. Mini dental implants have not replaced the need for conventional or traditional implants, instead they offer patients another choice. Technology has made it possible for smaller implants to be made out of the same dental alloy as a larger implant at a reduced cost, making dental implantation not only more affordable, but, due to their smaller stature, also increasing the amount of candidates able to undergo treatment. 

The Mini Dental Implant Procedure

The mini dental implant procedure can often be completed in just a single visit to the dentist.  The treatment will begin with the administration of a local anesthetic. Once the area is numbed, small incisions are made in the gum line and a specialized drill is used to create a place in the jaw bone for insertion of each dental implant.

The dental implant is then inserted into the bone. Acting as a screw, it is tightened into the bone until only the top portion of the implant, also known as the abutment, is visible at the gum line. The abutment is what connects the implant and the dental prosthetic together.

Patients may require a single implant or several implants depending on whether the patient is replacing a single tooth, a group of teeth or an entire arch of teeth. Once the dental implants are placed, the next step is to attach the dental prosthetic.

Whether a crown, bridge or upper or lower set of dentures, retaining fixtures will be placed on the dental prosthetic, which acts as a socket, fitting perfectly with the ball shaped abutment which protrudes from the gum line. This socket-like metal housing allows the prosthetic to snap onto the implant, providing the patient with a stabilized prosthetic that has the look and feel of natural teeth.

Mini dental implants can be used immediately; they do not require any patient downtime. Over time, through the process of osseointegration, the jawbone will bond with the titanium alloy of the dental implant, further stabilizing the dental prosthetic for long lasting results.

From replacing a single missing tooth to replacing several missing teeth to a full arch of missing teeth, mini dental implants are quickly becoming one of the most sought after treatments for tooth replacement.

Mini Dental Implant Costs

One of the first things that potential patients consider when it comes to surgical and dental procedures is the cost; and Mini Dental Implant costs are no exception. Since Mini Dental Implants fall under both categories, many patients take time to consider not only if this is right dental implantation option, but also if it is the most cost effective method for replacing missing teeth.

Many potential patients interested in mini dental implants are working within a limited budget. But this shouldn’t deter you. Mini dental implants cost significantly less than other forms of dental implants. In addition, their long term benefits greatly outweigh the upfront cost. In the long run, mini dental implants can save patients thousands of dollars in dental bills.

One of the most significant reasons why Mini Dental Implant costs are significantly lower than more traditional forms of dental implantation is the fast and easy installation process. Mini dental implants are known as a single stage procedure, which means that patients can have their implants fully installed in as little as one single visit. During treatment, a minimally invasive procedure implants a titanium alloy screw into the jawbone. The titanium alloy fuses with the bone, creating a permanent ‘root’ for the new tooth or teeth.

The ball-like head of the implant is then connected to a retaining fixture which is attached to the bottom of the dental prosthetic. The retaining fixture, which is socket-like in shape, ‘snaps’ together with the implant, creating a permanent implant that looks and acts like a real tooth.

Traditional implant treatments are similar to mini dental implant treatments, but they are know as a two stage procedure, which means more invasive treatments and longer treatment times, two factors that greatly affect treatment cost.

The mini dental implant treatment is also more cost effective because it is less invasive when compared to traditional implant procedures. This minimally invasive treatment involves no gum cutting, and no need to remove stitches at a later date. This means no downtime, giving patients immediate use of their newly implanted dental prosthetics.

For quick, easy and cost effective tooth replacement results, consider mini dental implants.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Implant Dental

Many men and women currently suffering with broken, damaged, decaying or missing teeth are searching for ways to improve their smile. One of the best alternatives for restoring your smile is Dental Implants. Dental Implants, simply put, are replacement tooth roots. Implants have the ability to provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth, and when implanted, give patients the look and feel of natural teeth.

The Advantages of Dental Implants

There are many advantages patients experience when receiving dental implants, including:

Improved appearance. Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. And because they are designed to fuse with bone when implanted, they become permanent.

Improved speech. Many dental implant candidates currently have dentures. Dentures are removable teeth replacements, and often slip in the mouth causing wearers to mumble or slur words. Dental implants look and act like natural teeth, therefore don’t hinder speech in the least.

Improved comfort. Because they become part of you, dental implants eliminate the discomfort that can be caused by broken and decaying teeth or removable dentures.

Easier eating. Similar to speech, missing teeth and removable dentures can both cause problems when eating. Dental implants function like your own teeth, allowing patients to eat their favorite foods without pain or discomfort.

Improved self-esteem. A full, natural looking smile not only restores the ability to eat and speak properly, it also restores confidence.

Improved oral health. Dental implants don't require the reduction of surrounding teeth, as a tooth-supported bridge does. Because nearby teeth are not altered to support the implant, your teeth are left intact, thus improving your long-term oral health. Individual implants also allow easier access between teeth, which improves oral hygiene.

Are Dental Implants Successful?

Success rates of dental implants vary, depending each individual patient but, in general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%. With proper care post treatment care, denture implants can last a lifetime.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dental Tooth Implant

For years, patients have undergone dental tooth implant procedures in order to improve their smile. As dental technology has progressed, different types of dental implants have become available to patients. There are many factors involved in deciding what type of dental implant is the best option for you. Learning about the different types of implants will help you to make an informed decision.

Multiple Tooth Replacement

There are several options that can be used when replacing multiple teeth. Bridges are a popular choice, as are dental implants. Dental implants, whether traditional or mini, are designed to replace a tooth’s root, effectively creating a permanent replacement for missing teeth.

Dental implants provide several advantages over other dental tooth implant options. In addition to looking and functioning like natural teeth, dental implants replace teeth without support from adjacent natural teeth. Other tooth replacement options including fixed bridges or removable partial dentures, are dependent on support from adjacent teeth, which can lead to damage degeneration over time.

Dental implants are the best option for multiple tooth replacement because they provide self-supporting naturally looking teeth, which makes for a healthier smile.

Single Tooth Replacement

If you are missing a single tooth, the combination of a dental implant and a crown are the most logical way to replace it. For this, many patients are turning to mini dental implants. Like traditional implants, mini dental implants use a titanium alloy screw, which is implanted into the jawbone. A ball-shaped abutment protrudes from the top of the screw, which allows for placement of the dental prosthetic. The bottom of the crown is fixed with a retaining fixture, which is socket-like in shape. The retaining fixture is attached to the implant abutment, creating a permanent dental tooth implant.

Mini dental implants are revolutionary because their smaller size (about half the size of traditional implants) allows for the replacement of a single tooth without relying on support from surrounding teeth. This allows for a natural look and feel without compromising neighboring teeth.

Mini Dental Implant Cost

Men and women who have either lost their teeth, or had them removed due to decay or damage, may have begun to look into different dental implant options in order to figure out which would provide the best results. There are several different factors that can influence a patient’s decision about which dental implantation treatments to undergo, but most often, the deciding factor is cost.

When it comes to dental implants, there are different types available to patients, one of the most popular of which is mini dental implants. Sometimes referred to as MDIs, these miniature implants are smaller than traditional dental implants. While they were originally designed for retaining dentures, now the mini dental implant is used for many different reasons. But how do you know if it is the right option for you?

There can be some confusion about what your options are when it comes to mini dental implants, but understanding how they work, the mini dental implants cost and the treatment process as a whole will help you to decide if they are the right tooth replacement treatment option for you.

Mini dental implants are similar to traditional dental implants in that both treatments utilize titanium alloy screws which are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Once placed, the bone ‘fuses’ with the titanium alloy, allowing for permanent implantation. The head of the implant is ball-like in shape and fits together with the socket-like retaining fixture which is connected to the bottom of the dental prosthetic. These two pieces ‘snap’ together, leaving patients with a permanent implant that looks and acts like a real tooth.

The main difference between mini dental implants and their more traditional counterpart is size. And size is what ultimately influences mini dental implant cost. The mini implants, because of their smaller size, require less invasive treatments that can often be completed in a single appointment. Less invasive treatments in conjunction with faster and fewer treatment times can drastically effect the overall treatment cost.

While many patients believe that mini dental implants are not an option due to cost, the fact is that oftentimes this technologically advanced treatment is a more cost effective method for replacing missing teeth. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are frequently the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are the solution of choice for the men and women who are missing one or more teeth, or who are about to lose teeth due to damage, decay or disease. Dental implants are artificial, self-sustaining tooth roots that are inserted into the jawbone and act as an anchor to support dental prosthetics. Rather than using adjacent teeth as anchors like fixed bridges, or resting on the gum line like removable dentures, dental implants are permanent, long-term replacements.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant consists of three main parts: a titanium base implant, which joins with the jawbone effectively replacing the tooth root. An abutment connected to the titanium implant, which protrudes from the gum line and allows for easy connection to the dental prosthetic.  And a retaining fixture, which is socket-like in shape and attaches to the bottom of the dental prosthetic.

When all three parts are joined together, they form a natural-looking, artificial tooth. Implants feel and work like natural teeth because they are integrated with the bone. Dental implants are never removed and do not rely on other teeth for support.

Types of Dental Implants

There are two main types of dental implants, traditional dental implants and mini dental implants. Both utilize titanium alloy base implants, however mini dental implants are significantly smaller than traditional implants, and allow for the replacement of even a single tooth.

Because of their smaller stature, mini dental implants are less invasive, can be placed in fewer treatments, and often cost less than their traditional counterparts. Depending on overall oral health and the degree of damage or decay, one or both of these types of dental implants may work for you.

Effectiveness of Dental Implants

Dental implants have a success rate of over 95% and can often last a lifetime with regularly scheduled dental visits and proper oral and dental hygiene. Replacing damaged or missing teeth allows adjacent teeth to remain healthy and also maintains the structure of your jawbone.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cost of Mini Dental Implants

Oftentimes the cost of a medical or dental procedure is what ultimately deters potential patients from undergoing treatment, but when it comes to dental prosthetics, the cost of Mini Dental Implants is often the very reason why patients undergo this dental implant treatment in order to improve their smile.

As more advanced dental technologies have been developed, dental implant treatments have progressed. Traditional implants, like Mini Dental Implants, utilize titanium alloy screws which are placed in the jaw bone, creating an anchor that acts as the tooth root. When compared to traditional implants however, Mini Dental Implants are much smaller (about half the size), which means the procedure is less time consuming, less invasive and causes less down time and side effects.

While most patients assume that treatments that utilize more advanced technologies would cost more, when it comes to the Cost of Mini Dental Implants, treatments, in most cases, cost less. This is due to several factors:

Size. Traditional dental implants are larger, which means the implantation procedure is more involved. Patients sometimes require invasive surgery in order to properly install the implant—procedures that can take hours to perform and often require several visits. Mini Dental Implants, because of their smaller size, only require a minimally invasive procedure, which requires no stitches and no down time. In addition, the entire procedure often only takes a single visit. A less invasive procedure and fewer visits mean a smaller cost.

Coverage. Traditional implants cannot be used to replace a single tooth. Traditional implants were designed for multiple tooth replacement. Mini Dental Implants can be used to replace even a single tooth, making the procedure less involved and therefore less costly.

Stability. Mini dental implants provide stability for a permanent tooth prosthetic. Other forms of tooth replacement such as dentures can shift and cause irritation, leading to additional adjustments and visits to the dentist. Mini Dental Implants are designed to help your dental prosthetics last.

Most potential patients assume that dental implant treatments are more expensive than alternative methods of tooth replacement. But the truth of the matter is that in the long run, mini dental implants are more cost effective.

Dental Implant Technology

Are you one of the many adults currently considering a Dental Implant procedure? Statistics show that 69% of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, damage or decay. In addition, by age 74, 26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth. Our smile is often the first thing that people notice about us. If you are looking to improve your smile with permanent, natural looking teeth, Dental Implants may be right for you.

Until recently, patients with damaged, decaying or missing teeth had no alternative but to employ a fixed bridge or removable dentures to restore their ability to speak clearly, eat the foods they love and smile with confidence. Fixed bridges and removable dentures, however, often cause a number of problems, making them far from the ideal treatment for replacing teeth. Removable dentures may slip or cause embarrassing clicking sounds while eating or speaking.

Today there is a better option for those looking to replace teeth permanently. Dental implant treatments are long-term replacement procedures that permanently place dental prosthetics. Rather than resting on the gum line like removable dentures, or utilizing adjacent teeth as anchors like fixed bridges, dental implants are surgically placed directly into the jaw bone, providing support for the dental prosthetic without relying on surrounding teeth.

Composed of titanium alloy, which effectively "fuses" with the jawbone, dental implants never shift or irritate and never decay like teeth anchoring fixed bridges. Dental implants look and act like natural permanent teeth, improving both a patient’s smile as well as their overall oral and dental health.

There are two main types of dental implants available to patients, traditional dental implants and mini dental implants. Both utilize titanium alloy implant technology, however mini dental implants are about half the size of traditional implants, which allows for less invasive treatments and enhanced ability for implant placement.

Learning more about both types of dental implants will allow you to decide which treatment will help you to improve your smile for a natural look and feel.