Monday, November 14, 2011

Mini Dental Implants for Dentures

As any denture wearer knows, removable dentures are a daily struggle, but mini dental implants offer denture wearers a simple and effective solution. Physical discomfort, bad breath, and even embarrassment due to unexpected shifting while speaking or chewing often plague those who wear dentures, but the use of mini dental implants for denture stabilization easily solves many of these common problems.

The Denture Stabilization Procedure

The mini dental implant treatment is an affordable, minimally invasive dental implant procedure that provides stability for removable dentures without the costs and time associated with full-size implant treatment. In most cases, a single dental visit can stabilize dentures with long lasting results.

Three basic parts make up the mini dental implant or MDI system:

-        The implant. Rooted into the jawbone through a minimally invasive procedure, the titanium alloy implant acts as an anchor which stabilizes the denture.

-        The metal housing. A metal housing is incorporated into the base of the denture (one for each dental implant) and is what connects the denture to the mini implant.

-        The rubber O-ring. The O-ring resides inside of the metal housing and effectively seals and locks the two pieces in place.

The dental implantation treatment will take place right in your dentist’s office with use of a local anesthetic. Precise and controlled techniques are used to place the dental implant into the jawbone. Once properly placed, only the ball-shaped head of the implant, also known as the abutment, will be visible above the gum line.

At this point, the metal housing, complete with O-ring will have been placed on your dentures so that they can be ‘snapped’ into place. The O-ring, which is socket-like in nature, connects with the ball-shaped abutment, locking the dentures firmly in place so that they rest comfortably on the gum line.

The minimally invasive nature of the mini dental implant treatment, allows patients to immediately use their newly stabilized dentures. Patients who have undergone the MDI treatment know that even the best adhesives pale in comparison to the stabilization achieved dental implantation. MDI’s simply provide a better solution for common denture problems.

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