Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Permanent Dentures with Dental Implants

When it comes to dental procedures, the term ‘permanent’ is used a lot, and permanent dentures are no exception. It is important for patients to know that no dental procedure will ever offer permanent results, however treatments performed by reputable, certified dentists can provide long lasting results. If you are searching for permanent dentures with dental implants, know that while no dentist can guarantee permanent results, patients have experienced years of success with this innovative treatment.

Many men and women struggle on a daily basis with removable dentures. In theory, dentures are a fantastic way for patients with damaged, decaying, or missing teeth to achieve a naturally beautiful smile. In reality however, removable dentures do cause daily irritation for men and women—loose fitting dentures often shift while speaking and eating, making everyday tasks difficult and embarrassing. An effective, long-lasting solution for denture wearers can be found in dental implants.

Unlike adhesives, dental implants provide the stability denture wearers need to speak and chew with ease. The dental implant procedure involves the placement of implants within the jawbone, which when attached to the dentures, hold them in place for a functional, naturally beautiful smile.

The procedure begins with the administration of a local anesthetic. After which your dentist will utilize a specialized drill that creates small holes in the jawbone (several implants will be needed to stabilize both the upper and lower denture). The implants are then placed in these holes—they are ‘screwed’ into place using a specialized wrench. When properly placed, only the head, or abutment, of the implant will be visible above the gum line.

A metal housing will then be attached to the dentures, one for each implant. This is how the dentures are attached to the implants. The metal housing effectively ‘snaps’ onto the implant abutment, holding the implant in place. When the procedure is complete, the dentures will rest comfortably on the gum line, creating the look and feel of natural teeth.

Permanent dentures with dental implants are simply not possible, but when performed correctly, this treatment can provide stable, long lasting results that patients can enjoy for years.


  1. Informative post on dentures area.The information you have given are really informative.Thanks for sharing.
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  2. You have thoroughly described the process of permanent dentures which indicates that we are standing on the modern civilization. I would like to know that how long the healing process could take? If you have some information about all on four then please share with us.

  3. I heard many bad outcomes and side effects of permanent dentures. Can you please mention that how can one overcome from those issues? What is the procure solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
